1.2 - System Requirements

For optimal performance, StocksToTrade has specific hardware requirements that need to be met on your computer.

In addition, StocksToTrade requires a high-speed internet connection. Your connection should be at a minimum of 20Mbps in Download and recommended to be at least 30Mbps for the best performance.

StocksToTrade is currently available only on Windows or Mac.


Minimal system requirements:

  • Processor: Quad-core+ CPU 2Ghz+ (Intel i5, Intel i7 - 6th Gen)
  • Memory: 4GB RAM
  • Disk Space: 200MB
  • Monitor resolution: 1440x768
  • Windows 10

Recommended system requirements:

  • Processor: Quad-core+ CPU 2Ghz+ (Intel i5, Intel i7 - 8th Gen) or more
  • Memory: 8GB RAM
  • Disk Space: 200MB
  • Max Supported Monitor resolution: 1920x1080
  • Windows 10 or higher


  • Intel Xeon class are not officially supported by StocksToTrade and may cause unexpected behavior
  • AMD based processors are known to cause unexpected behavior. Intel based systems should be preferred.


Minimal system requirements:

  • Processor: Quad-core+ CPU 2Ghz+ (Intel i5, Intel i7 - 6th Gen)
  • Memory: 4GB RAM
  • Disk Space: 200MB
  • Monitor resolution: 1280x800
  • Mac OSX 10.15.7 Catalina

Recommented system requirements:

  • Processor: Quad-core+ CPU 2Ghz+ (Intel i5, Intel i7 - 6th Gen)
  • Memory: 8GB RAM
  • Disk Space: 200MB
  • Max Supported Monitor resolution: 1920x1080
  • Mac OSX 12.1 Monterey 

Mac systems:

  • Mac OS X, Catalina, and above (10.15+)


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