Changelog 2.3.3-h3 [2022-02-07]
- Fixed - Hanging and Freezing issues during market open
Changelog 2.3.3 [2021-12-14]
- Added - [Alerts] Alerts on news headline
- Added - [Alerts] Change scans alert names
- Added - [Instagram] - Add connection and possibility to post on instagram
- Added - Ability to add addons from application
- Added - Add a Oscillator indicator
- Added - Add ability to add multiple columns to news scan widget
- Added - Add ability to change the colors within indicators like MACD
- Added - Chat Live Stream Video
- Added - Request: Grouping of Screeners
- Improved - [Agreement] Add dark theme for loading screen
- Improved - [Basic box] Add option to save custom fields as default
- Improved - [Broker Integration] - Option to enable/disable logging
- Improved - [Broker Integration] - Remove mentions from UI.
- Improved - [Broker Integration] Rename order confirmation popup
- Improved - [Central widget] - Creation of new tab
- Improved - [General] - Application should have dark theme as default one
- Improved - [Level2] Add comma to order size
- Improved - [Livestream] Background color
- Improved - [Livestream] Floating live stream window behavior
- Improved - [Notifications] Add an icon for order notifications
- Improved - [Performance] Improve logical expression processing time.
- Improved - [TipRanks] Decrease minimum widget size
- Improved - [User Reported] Capability to sort list of Custom Watchlists and to be able to group via a folder/tree structure
- Improved - App is not working as expected after longer time of inactivity
- Improved - Change default folder for saving Q&A
- Improved - Link to the Issue Reporter should be clickable
- Improved - Move close indicator to the indicators menu
- Improved - Screenshot tool toolbar X is grayed out
- Improved - When we dock/ undock order window data clears
- Fixed - App freezes on open
- Fixed - [Accounts] Do not open accounts widget maximized
- Fixed - [Activity Monitor] Title is cut after detaching the widget
- Fixed - [Activity monitor] UI improvements
- Fixed - [Activity] Incorrect alignment
- Fixed - [Alerts] App gets unresponsive after putting it in background
- Fixed - [Basic box] Show '-' symbol when no data
- Fixed - [Broker Integration] Add trading account: remove Broker Integration logo
- Fixed - [Broker Integration] Add trading account: rename option
- Fixed - [Broker Integration] added account is not visible
- Fixed - [Broker Integration] after entering wrong account unable to add new one
- Fixed - [Broker Integration] Align display for long accounts
- Fixed - [Broker Integration] Cancel button in order widget doesn't work
- Fixed - [Broker Integration] Cancel pending order status doesn't fit in field
- Fixed - [Broker Integration] Canceling order creates duplicate
- Fixed - [Broker Integration] Change Broker Integration popups styling
- Fixed - [Broker Integration] Detached widget not shown after restart
- Fixed - [Broker Integration] GTC/Day display wrong when order is placed.
- Fixed - [Broker Integration] Inconsistent formatting of cost value
- Fixed - [Broker Integration] Incorrect P/L value color
- Fixed - [Broker Integration] Incorrect price in order widget
- Fixed - [Broker Integration] Incorrect text in order confirmation popup
- Fixed - [Broker Integration] Missing auto price field
- Fixed - [Broker Integration] Missing order types in order tab
- Fixed - [Broker Integration] Orders submitted without pricing info
- Fixed - [Broker Integration] Positions model not updated when positions are closed
- Fixed - [Broker Integration] Price cut in order widget
- Fixed - [Broker Integration] Remove Broker Integration logo from popups
- Fixed - [Broker Integration] Right alignment for accounts in all trading widgets
- Fixed - [Broker Integration] STT not responding after adding Broker Integration account
- Fixed - [Broker Integration] Unable to submit order in order wiget
- Fixed - [Central widget] - Application crashes when restore state with chat
- Fixed - [Central widget] - Crash closing tab with accounts widget.
- Fixed - [Chart widget] - Bounds initialized to 0 can produce bad datetime results
- Fixed - [Chart] Incorrect position of h/l bubble on daily charts
- Fixed - [Chart] Indicator Fibonacci Retracement is missing 23.6% and 78.6%
- Fixed - [Chart] New candles not displayed when toggling on extended hours
- Fixed - [Chart] Revert abnormal volume indicator removal
- Fixed - [Chat] Consolidated tab is empty when user do not have access to breaking news channel but has access to other channel
- Fixed - [Chat] Crash using webinar chat
- Fixed - [Chat] Crash when user tries to "Show Server Messages"
- Fixed - [Chat] Message not highlighted on first attempt for a specific step
- Fixed - [Chat] Moderators are not colored on consolidated view
- Fixed - [Chat] Password of privileged user is displayed in Consolidated chat room.
- Fixed - [General] - Changing scans within same tab can cause a crash
- Fixed - [General] - Handle generic message
- Fixed - [General] - Incorrect calculation for day change timer
- Fixed - [General] - Increasing UI responsiveness for filters
- Fixed - [General] - Issues found by Qt code analizer
- Fixed - [General] - Qt deployment is not good
- Fixed - [General] - Race condition problem with filters
- Fixed - [General] - Remove qml files from static qrc
- Fixed - [General] - Time updated on each trade
- Fixed - [General] - Trading Integration Disclaimer Update
- Fixed - [General] - Triangle icons are cut
- Fixed - [General] Window position not retained using an app data
- Fixed - [Halt/SSR] Alert on Halt/SSR are not retained
- Fixed - [Halt/SSR] Duplicated tickers
- Fixed - [High Low Ticker] Mac - Settings disappears after selecting color
- Fixed - [Information box] - Ability to reorder tabs
- Fixed - [Level 2] - Total View implementation - Client side
- Fixed - [Level 2] Data switcher state is not retained after app restart
- Fixed - [Level 2] Text "Display NASDAQ Total View Data" does not fit the space provided on large font
- Fixed - [Level2] Bars on book entry section is missing on Mac
- Fixed - [Livestream] Livestream button should not be present on stock tab
- Fixed - [Livestream] Message "Network error has occurred" after Tim rebooted during live stream
- Fixed - [Livestream] Missing banner on livestream when user do not have access to chat
- Fixed - [Livestream] Replaying live stream for the day is lagging
- Fixed - [Livestream] Resize video size to current windows size
- Fixed - [Livestream] Sync chat and stream is lost when changing tab in stream side
- Fixed - [Livestream] There is no way to go back to the list of video after selecting video
- Fixed - [Login screen] - Buttons unresponsive
- Fixed - [Mac] Key statistic overlaps
- Fixed - [Mac] Notifications are displayed incorrectly when app is on full screen
- Fixed - [New agreement] Add username above signature field
- Fixed - [New agreement] Allow letter and symbols in zip code field
- Fixed - [New agreement] Email field doesn't allow to put dot
- Fixed - [New agreement] Remove character limit for City filed
- Fixed - [News & Twitter] Renamed news and twitter is reverted to default name after logout and login
- Fixed - [News Box] Banner not shown
- Fixed - [News Scan] Multiple stocks list corrupted
- Fixed - [News Scan] Symbol list cannot be closed by changing focus
- Fixed - [News] Missing checkmark when selecting Show news only or SEC fillings only
- Fixed - [Notifications] Symbol cannot be opened for notification window
- Fixed - [Open positions] Sorting by broker doesn't work
- Fixed - [Order tab] Values not updating when switching between tabs
- Fixed - [Order widget] Change color of order status block
- Fixed - [Order] Order widget corrupted after app restart
- Fixed - [Order] Position value showing value after selling open position for a stock
- Fixed - [Report an Issue] Report an issue is not working for a specific scenario
- Fixed - [Screener] No result when running screener if you rename watchlist
- Fixed - [Screener] Saved screener from previous build is missing when you open app data on alpha
- Fixed - [Screener] Sorting by % does not get saved
- Fixed - [Screener] Unable to set parameters, field looks disabled
- Fixed - [TipRanks] Corrupted UI when there is no data
- Fixed - [TipRanks] Incorrect initializing of bottom parts
- Fixed - [TipRanks] Widget hidden behind chart on opening
- Fixed - [Top Scans] Default filter isn't automatically applied
- Fixed - [Top scans] Symbol overlapping with Halt/SSR indicator
- Fixed - [Trading] Etrade build: no delete/edit buttons
- Fixed - [Twitter screener] Incorrect watchlist font color in dark theme
- Fixed - [UI agreements] - Tips & Tricks
- Fixed - [User report] App "not responding" on windows
- Fixed - [User Reported] Crash when opening another symbol when TotalView is enabled
- Fixed - [User Reported] Incorrect display of candles
- Fixed - [User Reported] Incorrect display of daily candles
- Fixed - [User Reported] Incorrect value on P/L for short transaction
- Fixed - [User Reported] News Scan filtering not showing some stock
- Fixed - [Watchlist] When a watchlist name becomes null, user is unable to remove them from left widget
- Fixed - [Win 11] Dropdown field becomes dark after selecting value
- Fixed - Add day H/L bubble on chart
- Fixed - Add global multi chart save button
- Fixed - Alarms - Negative value
- Fixed - App crash setting AH Chg in Basics box
- Fixed - App crashes during night
- Fixed - App crashes when filter changes
- Fixed - Change all default message boxes to have STT style
- Fixed - Change top % gainers default filtering
- Fixed - Chart period bug
- Fixed - Chat tabs backgroud color
- Fixed - Client Side - Add user address validation
- Fixed - Color of last value in symbol tab isn't updated with theme change
- Fixed - Color theme isn't retained after restart
- Fixed - Crash adding Market Cap to screener results table
- Fixed - Crash closing all tabs
- Fixed - Crash on Central Widget reopening
- Fixed - Crash on opening new tab
- Fixed - Crash opening symbol in tab with tip ranks
- Fixed - Crash resetting appdata
- Fixed - Crash running screener
- Fixed - Crashes in mac master
- Fixed - Crashes opening symbols from news
- Fixed - Default chart display setting on chart
- Fixed - Email field in About You form accepts invalid emails
- Fixed - Empty row filtering results additionally
- Fixed - Error is displayed when user edits profile
- Fixed - First time added drawings are not displayed after logout/login
- Fixed - Halt marker not showing up
- Fixed - Handle TipRanksDataProvider thread termination
- Fixed - Hide option in Halt/SSR monitor is not working
- Fixed - HL ticker- incorrect behavior when undocked
- Fixed - Incorrect news time
- Fixed - Indicator label cannot be hidden or deleted
- Fixed - Installer changes
- Fixed - L2 timeline doesn't clear
- Fixed - Last value in tab header is shifted up
- Fixed - Left widgets are not retained after logout/login except for some
- Fixed - Mac - Activity Monitor - Filter on Orders tab not working
- Fixed - Mac - application quits unexpectedly using a specific step
- Fixed - Mac - Crash clearing alerts list
- Fixed - Mac - Crashes closing symbol tab
- Fixed - Mac - Reload default fields on basics message is empty
- Fixed - Mac - Some drop downs are disabled
- Fixed - Master crashes closing HL ticker
- Fixed - Mentions sort arrow is not visible
- Fixed - Mentions table separator
- Fixed - Missing chat banner in information box widget
- Fixed - Missing STT icon after update
- Fixed - NetOrderImbalanceController destructor accessing collection iterator during collection mutation
- Fixed - New Agreement: Max length is not applied for First Name, Last Name and Middle Name but Signature is restricted to 50 characters
- Fixed - News scan new coulums ignore prev day
- Fixed - Nothing happens when user click on Manage Saved Indicators
- Fixed - Nothing happens when user selects Hide option from related info tab
- Fixed - Opening links in builtin browser
- Fixed - Pause filter works incorrectly
- Fixed - Pre-market candles displayed when extended hours are hidden
- Fixed - Previous day checkbox is missing
- Fixed - Profile icon is cut off
- Fixed - Profile picture can only be png
- Fixed - RAM memory is growing along with opening new tabs
- Fixed - Remove unused classes
- Fixed - Saving previous windows position are not save when closing
- Fixed - Screener - Stock types not working
- Fixed - Screener market filter doesn't work
- Fixed - Screener returns wrong stocky
- Fixed - Screener sector filter doesn't work
- Fixed - Some characters display as <?> on NASDAQ Subscriber Agreement
- Fixed - Stock description is pixelated
- Fixed - Text tool focus is on main search field
- Fixed - There is a huge gap between symbol and company name
- Fixed - Tip Ranks widget broken
- Fixed - Total View button is cut
- Fixed - Typing focus issue
- Fixed - Unable to attach detached twitter window after logout/login
- Fixed - Unable to login on trading module using light theme
- Fixed - User is not able to hide symbols from Watchlist
- Fixed - Values cut on chart grid
- Fixed - Whatchlist X is not moving when resizing
- Fixed - When we change computer time app requires restart
- Fixed - Widget rows get selected
- Fixed - Words from NASDAQ Subscriber Agreement are cut off
- Fixed - Wrong results count
- Fixed - Wrong titling when opening Profile from Information box