When reporting an issue with StocksToTrade you may be required to provide a screenshot in order to illustrate the the problem that you are encountering.
Our preferred method for sharing screenshots is by using http://prnt.sc/. This tool allows you to take a screen
The easiest way to take screenshots is by using LightShot.
Simply take a screenshot by pressing the PrntScrn key or Alt+PrntScrn on your keyboard (this allows you to respectively copy your whole screen and only the active window) and simply open http://prnt.sc/ then press Ctrl-V (paste into the web application).
Please take note of the link provided, as this will be the reference to the image you will provide us in your email (no need to attach files, the link to the screenshot will suffice).
Alternatively Lightshot offers a desktop application which can directly upload a screenshot to the site and add the link to your clipboard. You may download it at the following address: http://app.prntscr.com/en/download.html
LightShot will automatically upload the screenshot to http://prnt.sc when clicking on the cloud icon and put the link in your clipboard. For more information on how to use LightShot, please visit: http://app.prntscr.com/en/tutorials.html
Once you have the link(s) to your screenshot(s), please share these in your support ticket.